

The Zypher Labs DubStepper Series Bass Amplifiers, are dedicated Heavy Duty ‘Bass Only’ Amplifiers, specially designed to deliver huge amounts of power into subwoofers. The high efficiency of Class-D enables continuous duty at full power with negligible heat dissiption.

Conventional Torcidal Transformers allow large current draw on a sustained basis while.

increasing reliability through simplicity. High damping factor keeps tight control over the

speakers, and the voice coil’s back EMF is recycled into the amplifier’s main voltage rails for

even greater power output. Full set of protections, along with a 3-stage speaker protection




Because high power into low impedance loads requires high current, extra heavy-duty components are used- 100 Ampere Bridge Rectifiers, 80 Ampere Relays, and dual speakon outputs to connect 40 load on each speakon.

DubStepper Z series amplifiers are optimized for 40 loads, whereas the DubStepper series is optimized for 20 loads

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The Zypher Labs DubStepper Series Bass Amplifiers, are dedicated Heavy Duty ‘Bass Only’ Amplifiers, specially designed to deliver huge amounts of power into subwoofers. The high efficiency of Class-D enables continuous duty at full power with negligible heat dissiption.

Conventional Torcidal Transformers allow large current draw on a sustained basis while.

increasing reliability through simplicity. High damping factor keeps tight control over the

speakers, and the voice coil’s back EMF is recycled into the amplifier’s main voltage rails for

even greater power output. Full set of protections, along with a 3-stage speaker protection




Because high power into low impedance loads requires high current, extra heavy-duty components are used- 100 Ampere Bridge Rectifiers, 80 Ampere Relays, and dual speakon outputs to connect 40 load on each speakon.

DubStepper Z series amplifiers are optimized for 40 loads, whereas the DubStepper series is optimized for 20 loads